Ja estem tots enviant-nos mails relacionats amb la logística, el material, l'estat d'ànims, en procés d'hidratació (com diuen els experts en nutrició "fins que no pixem transparent hem de seguir bevent", és poc tècnic però prou explícit)....
Volem aprofitar per agrair ja d'entrada el recolzament tècnic i moral del Marc i l'Anna, tots dos grans atletes però que aquesta vegada han decidit ajudar-nos, sense massa coacció ;-)
I evidentment també a la UOC, que de les mans de l'Arnau i el Ricard, i recolzats per tot el seu equip, hem tingut sempre una gran predisposició per tot allò que necessitéssim.
I us recordem aquí l'entrevista realitzada als quatre participants.
Ara toca arribar a Sant Feliu!!!
Si hi ha algú per la zona, no dubteu en passar a animar.
An essay about football could explore various aspects of the sport, such as its history, rules, cultural significance, and impact on society. It could discuss the evolution of football from its origins to its current status as one of the most popular sports worldwide. Additionally, the essay could delve into the strategies and tactics employed in football, the physical and mental demands placed on players, and the role of teamwork and leadership in achieving success on the field. Furthermore, the essay could examine the social and economic aspects of football, including its influence on communities, its role in fostering national identity, and its commercialization through professional leagues and sponsorship deals. Overall, an essay on https://kingessays.com/pay-for-homework/ offers a rich opportunity to explore a beloved sport that holds immense cultural, social, and historical significance.